

Thank You for Attending the WSAS Annual Celebration May 25, 2024!

谢谢你! to everyone who attended the WSAS Annual Celebration on May 25th!  If you were not able to attend, the text of the speeches for 伊莎贝拉·钟24岁苏迈耶·乌丁24年 遵循.


伊莎贝拉·钟今年5月以B的成绩毕业.A. in Biological Sciences 和 a minor in Environmental Studies. 在韦尔斯利大学期间, she served on the executive board of GenerAsians 和 the Asian Student Union, 在学校的植物园工作, 在几个实验室进行研究,并在大波士顿地区的一家非营利教育机构实习. This summer, she is excited to travel home to see family before starting work.

“大家好.  I just want to start off by thanking all of you for being here today. And a special 谢谢你! to everyone who helped to plan this event. 我很荣幸有机会讲述我在韦尔斯利的经历,并分享韦尔斯利学生援助协会对我的意义.

首先,我想向大家介绍一下我自己,以及我进入皇冠体育的经历. I grew up in Honolulu, 和 am the daughter of Korean immigrants. 在我生命的大部分时间里, 我是由单身母亲抚养长大的, who became a widow when my father passed away in 2012. Although neither of my parents completed college, 尽管她自己也很挣扎, I always felt pushed by my mother to pursue a higher education. She knew what a degree would mean not just for me, but for my family. I attended an under-resourced public high school, 在大学录取过程中,我严重依赖姐姐们的知识. 和其他许多人一样, 我被卫尔斯理吸引是因为它强大的校友网络和独特的校园. 通过奎斯布里奇学者项目, 我申请了超过25所学校, unsure of which was the best choice for me. 最终, I chose Wellesley not just because of the many things it had to offer, but largely because of the generous financial aid package I was given.

当我开始我的本科之旅, 韦尔斯利学生援助协会在校园里支持我的方式让我感到震惊. 我来自夏威夷, 我从未经历过真正的冬天, 我很感激冬装补助的资金,我用这笔钱买了一件亮粉色的外套,这件外套一直让我保持温暖. 每年秋天, 亚马逊的礼品卡被用来购买学习用品,这些东西不可避免地会在我的课程中用完. 当我需要面试的衣服时, 我去了斯通-戴维斯的衣橱,知道我能找到我想要的东西,甚至更多. ,最近, 我收到了资助学生的高年级礼物,我将用它来支付我未来公寓的押金. 这些资源在我作为第一代的旅程中给予了我极大的帮助, 在校低收入家庭学生.

和许多其他学生一样, I also held a work-study position on campus for a majority of my college experience. 我之所以找这个职位,是因为我知道我母亲为了养家辛苦工作, 和 wanted to be able to provide for myself, 即使只是为了一些小事. Because of the support from the Students’ Aid Society, 我的许多必需品, 比如冬天的衣服, 化妆品, 等. 是由这个团队提供的,这是大多数其他学校没有的特权.

然而,我从学生援助协会得到的最有意义的帮助发生在去年秋天. In September, I flew home due to a family emergency. 当我回到校园, 我回来时成了孤儿, 我在韦尔斯利的最后一年没有监护人能在经济上支持我. 就在我努力做好功课的时候,我发现我的笔记本电脑坏了. 检查后,我被告知它无法修复,我需要买一个新的. 在这一点上,我非常不知所措. 我妹妹在500多英里外, 我们在浏览医疗账单, 葬礼计划, 和 our finances on our own for the first time. 一时兴起,我给韦尔斯利学生援助协会打了电话,结果是凯特打来的. She assured me that I could apply for a grant. 几天之内, 我的请求被批准了, 和 I found myself with a br和 new laptop at no cost. I was able to finish out my last semesters at Wellesley feeling supported, despite the tremendous loss I had just experienced.

今天我站在你们面前,作为一名校友,我不仅得到了学生援助协会的支持, but actively sought it out during some of the hardest periods of my life. I would not be one of the first college graduates in my family, 获得优等荣誉, 在校内外都很繁荣, without the hard work 和 dedication of this team. I will always be immensely grateful for what they do, 我希望有一天能够通过韦尔斯利学生援助协会为像我这样的学生提供自己的支持. 谢谢你!."


苏迈耶·乌丁是马萨诸塞州福尔里弗市的第一代低收入家庭学生. 在韦尔斯利的时候, she majored in Education Studies 和 Peace 和 Justice Studies, with a concentration in urban policy 和 violence prevention. Sumaiyea joined the Wellesley Teacher Scholars program, pursuing her teaching licensure in history at the secondary level. 她在波士顿的布莱顿高中完成了学生实习,并在一个全包容性的教室里教9-12年级的学生. Sumaiyea was a member of the Bangladeshi Student Association, Students for an Accessible Wellesley (SAW) 和 a tutor for the Petey Greene program, 辅导被监禁的青少年和成年人.

在短短一周内, 苏迈耶将在哈佛大学教育研究生院的人类发展与教育项目继续她的教育之旅. 在那里, she will concentrate on education in non-traditional settings, 特别是, 监狱的设置. 在苏迈耶的硕士课程之后, she plans to become a high school history teacher 和 a prison educator, 弥合传统教育与康复教育之间的差距,在多样化的学习环境中促进理解和成长.

“大家好! 谢谢你! so much for joining us on this sunny afternoon. It is a pleasure to be here 和 to share some of my story with you all! 正如杰米提到的,我叫苏迈耶·乌丁,我很荣幸能成为2024届红色班的一员. I vividly remember the day I found out I got into Wellesley. 我的SAT成绩是, 不可否认, 很低, so I decided to apply through Early Decision II to increase my chances. 那天我非常焦虑,我决定唯一的解决办法就是睡个大大的午觉. 在挣扎着入睡之后, 我终于做到了, 当我醒来的时候, I opened my portal 和 saw the first word: "Congratulations!“不久之后,我的母亲哭着告诉我们的家人,”Zudee desho taktam,这是一个偶然的失败.” “If I was in Bangladesh, I never would have had this chance.” She was talking about her own experiences, yet she was also highlighting the privileges we now have. 我的父母在20多岁的时候为了更好的生活和机会移民到美国. 只有初中学历,两人都没有高中毕业,更不用说大学了. 这是他们对我们的梦想.

The first two years of my college education were… rough. 来自贫民区, 当我看到同龄人的父母/看护人可以读他们的论文时,我处理了文化冲击和冒名顶替综合症, 支付他们所有的必需品, 和 enjoy other privileges that I was never afforded. 我深深地想要转移. 但是,我刚毕业. So, clearly, there was something that kept me here. I found belonging 和 community through 3 main things: the teaching program, particularly with the support of Ken Hawes 和 Noah Rubin; my friends whom I adore; 和, 当然, 援助协会坚定不移的支持.

在那里 have been many times the Aid Society has helped me. 无论是在我还没有买健康保险的时候为我支付智齿手术的费用, keeping the clothes closet stocked with formal wear, covering months of my phone bill when I couldn’t, 或者最近, helping me with a grant to repair my laptop broke, the Aid Society has been a constant source of unwavering support for its students, 否则谁, 没有什么可以依靠的吗.

On one particular occasion, the Aid Society helped me “see.这个人说:“在我大三的春天,我把眼镜摔坏了,走路像只瞎蝙蝠. I’m not exaggerating; my eye strength is a -5 和 without glasses, I cannot see anything. If I took off my glasses right now, I would not be able to see anyone here. Without glasses, I also lack depth perception. 所以,正如大家所料,我摔倒了. 很多. I fell outside of Tower, Jewett, Lulu… basically everywhere 和 anywhere. 在使用援助协会的贷款和赠款资助眼科预约之后, 我不好意思再问一次. 但, my Medicaid already covered one pair, so they wouldn’t cover another. 我在互助会发帖,与“大众健康”抗争,并尝试使用多年前的联系人. 我从几个不同的教授那里借了眼镜,尽管它们的强度都不合适. I avoided the Aid Society with everything in me, because of my embarrassment. 但, 在与Karen Shih交谈后, 跨文化教育助理院长和亚裔学生顾问(我的教授们需要把眼镜拿回来), 我联系了援助协会. 几乎立即, 凯特和凯茜 (who are the loveliest of people), 通知我获得了一笔拨款, allowing me to purchase quality glasses (shoutout to Warby Parker). And not only did the Aid Society grant cover the glasses I’m wearing right now, but also a spare (which I haven’t had to use). If not clear, this grant was essential to my thriving as a student. It was essential to me just getting up 和 moving around, 这对我来说真的很重要, 看到.

我和我的朋友们都有过很棒的经历,也都得到了援助协会的大力支持. Though we are unsure of where life will take us, 我们都同意, 有一天,, 当我们有稳定的工作和收入, 援助协会将是一个我们贡献的地方,作为我们回馈给予我们这么多的社会的方式. It is a privilege to have had the opportunity to earn my Bachelor’s from Wellesley, 在我四年的艰难岁月里,能得到援助协会的支持是我的荣幸. So, from the bottom of my heart (和 my family’s), 谢谢你!, 凯特和凯茜, 以及援助协会的其他成员, for everything you’ve done for a countless number of students, 包括我. 我期待着回馈和支持未来的学生,就像我被支持一样.  谢谢你!."