

在工作室艺术课程中, 学生强化视觉意识, 独立思考, 在使用一系列美术媒体的同时具有创造性的灵活性. The program offers 绘画, drawing, photography, printmaking, video, 雕塑, and digital media. Students develop a unique set of skills that allow them to question and 形状 the visual and physical environments around them. They learn how to relate their studio research to other areas of study, 他们在不同的图像之间建立了意想不到的联系, 的想法, 材料, 以及历史背景.

The studio art faculty is composed of active professional artists whose teaching is highly interactive and personally directed. This involves a combination of studio demonstrations, guided experimentation, and critical feedback.


  • Develop strong analytical observational skills to examine our visual, 材料, 文化环境.

  • Relate 的想法, processes, 材料, and histories in order to create new and unexpected connections.

  • 理解材料和工艺的逻辑.

  • 开发一个探索性的工作室方法, 通过实践发现问题, 并开发研究和产生新作品的方法.

  • Locate creative practice within larger historical and cultural discussions.



Students will investigate a range of artistic media to acquire technical proficiency and develop a personal 材料 language.


  • 画我


    A foundational course that explores observational strategies and theories of perception using a range of drawing tools. Project work is focused on observational drawing methods with attention to the articulation of line, 形状, time, form, 手势, 的角度来看, 和价值. 课堂绘画练习, 每周家庭作业, and group critiques address a variety of approaches to image making and visual expression, 对人的形象要多加注意. Aimed at first years and sophomores and those considering majors in 工作室艺术 or Architecture. Also recommended for those considering majors in Media Arts and Sciences, or Art History.
  • 凹版和凸版印刷方法的工作室探索, 包括铜版蚀刻, collograph, 、木刻. Students develop visual and graphic flexibility through hands-on projects considering image sequences, 模式, 文本, 和倍数. Several projects address color and typography and/or incorporate digital methods. Students participate in a collaborative print exchange in addition to completing individual projects. 219年艺术, 220年艺术, and ARTS 221 are complementary graphic arts courses and may be elected in any order.


  • 我们的设施

    Students and faculty enjoy several formal exhibition and installation spaces and specialized studios for photography, video, 绘画, 雕塑, 媒体艺术, 还有书籍艺术.


  • A child riding a tricycle on a street looks down at her feet on the pedals.

    Kathya Maria Landeros教授 甜酒 是在2022年波士顿的Abakus项目上展出的. 甜酒 reinterprets Landeros’ childhood at the farmland edge of Sacramento, Calif., rendering suburban culture through a first-generation Latinx family, 像美国一样甜美,充满抱负.S. 美国人

  • Protesters in Bolivia stand on 街上s while some fires burn around them.

    Professor 克劳迪娅Joskowicz’s videos, some of which are in the 古根海姆博物馆, blend fiction and documentary as they reenact explosive and untapped violence from Bolivia’s past

  • 菲利斯·麦吉本在工作室工作.

    菲利斯·麦吉本教授贡献了 锌块 到隔离区公共图书馆. 版画复制匠, 插图画家, and other invited artists made eight-page single-sheet zines that visitors could print out and refold at home, allowing them to build their own zine library at a time when direct in-person artwork exchanges were not possible.

  • 带有抽象壁画艺术的墙壁及其在地板上的反射.

    Professor David Teng Olsen’s bold, energetic murals can be found throughout the Boston area, on 老建筑, 新建筑,甚至 街上. 他迄今为止最大的项目是170英尺长 Evo

    图片来源:Isenberg Project


  • 艺术俱乐部

    对所有学生开放, 艺术俱乐部 is a space to unwind and connect with others while exploring artistic 材料 and creating art outside of classes and departments.

  • 夏季奖学金

    The Slade Summer Fellowships provide financial aid for current students to pursue educational opportunities in the summer months. Studio students apply this funding to an unpaid studio-based internship that gives them hands-on experience, 比如与一个艺术社区组织合作, 艺术家的驻地计划, 一个艺术家经营的画廊, 或者是专业艺术家的工作室.

  • 研究生奖学金

    The Mary Clothier Slade Graduate Fellowship provides financial aid for graduating seniors and alums to pursue graduate studies in studio art.

  • 资金

    爱丽丝T. 弗里德曼捐赠基金支持研究, 旅行, 实习, or special projects to help art department majors and minors prepare for careers in the arts.



Most of our graduates go on to work in fine arts, design, cultural institutions, or higher education.


  • 索菲亚·施韦格,12岁

    索菲亚·施韦格,12岁 is a painter exploring human relationships to public and domestic spaces. 荣誉包括2016年彭博新同时代人, 2017年福布斯欧洲30位30岁以下青年, 嫉妒奖, 格里芬艺术奖, 爱丽丝C. 42年科尔奖,以及最值得关注奖. She has had solo shows in London, New York, Budapest, Amsterdam, and elsewhere.

  • Jiwon Woo ' 09

    Jiwon Woo ' 09 is a designer and engineer who has worked with consumer products, 卫生保健, 运动服装, 和食物. 她的作品曾在国际舞台上展出, 包括伊斯坦布尔设计双年展(2016), 米兰设计周, 伦敦设计周, Ars, 医疗Museion, 还有维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆.

  • 劳拉·坎摩尔10岁

    劳拉·坎摩尔10岁 is a filmmaker, photographer, and multimedia artist. Her work has been exhibited in galleries and event spaces including Art Basel Miami/HG Contemporary, 法力当代, 岩溶画廊, 无标题的空间, 富兰克林街工程, 以及旧金山的一号计划. Kimmel is director of visual identity at The Box NYC and The Box Soho.

